From Zero to Node Runner [Testnet]
We want the Ratio1 Edge Node to be knowledge-agnostic, ensuring that any user - regardless of their experience level - can successfully run an edge node on the Ratio1 Protocol. To achieve this, we have created this comprehensive guide.
This tutorial is specifically for the Testnet version, and we encourage users to follow it step by step before transitioning to the Mainnet. Once you have successfully tested the entire process on the Testnet, you can proceed with the Mainnet version.
Mainnet version:
Here is a video tutorial to help you:
Here are all the steps:
Run a node or multiple nodes
Here is a complete tutorial for node running
Note: the node will shut down in 15 minutes unless an ND (License) is linked to it.Get Test R1 tokens on Testnet
Buy license/licenses
Link license to node
Claim rewards
Get Test R1 tokens on Testnet
Testnet dApp link:
To join the Ratio1 Protocol with your node, you must link a License (Node Deed - ND) to it. According to the Ratio1 economic model, licenses are purchased using R1 Tokens, which can be acquired from our Buy R1 page or Uniswap.
On the testnet, we have simplified the process of purchasing and linking your license to your node by enabling the purchase of Test R1 Tokens using Test USDC. To facilitate this, we have created a Test USDC faucet.
Here’s how to obtain Test R1 Tokens:
Connect using the available wallet options, such as MetaMask.
Here is a MetaMask tutorial in case you need it.
Go to the Faucet
Testnet Ratio1 is running on Base Sepolia. Every transaction requires Base Sepolia ETH for the gas fee. You can use any of the available faucets below to get some Base Sepolia ETH or even ask some from the team on the Ratio1 discord channel. If you already have Base Sepolia ETH you can skip directly to claim.
Claim Test USDC tokens.
Go to the Buy R1 page, select USDC and fill the amount, buy Test R1 with Test USDC.
Once this step is complete, you can return to the Dashboard to purchase testnet NDs (Node Deeds - Licenses).
Buy license/licenses
It does not matter whether you are on Testnet ( and you are buying Test NDs or Mainnet ( and buying mainnet NDs; the NDs (licenses) will be purchased from the Dashboard. There, you will be able to see all the details, including the current pricing tier and the remaining available NDs supply for each tier.
Use the Buy License button, select the quantity of licenses you want to buy and sign the 2 transactions:
Transaction 1 - Approve of token spending
Transaction 2 - Buy

Link license to node
The last step before your node actually becomes part of the Ratio1 protocol is linking a license to it.
Here are the steps:
go to Licenses
click on actions and select Linkfill in the eth_address of the node you want to link with this license and sign the linking transaction. Remember, the eth_address of your node was obtained using docker exec r1node get_node_info.
your node is now linked to your license and included in the protocol.
Claim Rewards
Rewards from the Proof of Availability, and soon from Proof of AI, will be available for claim after each epoch (24 hours). You can claim them daily or let them accumulate and claim them periodically.

Petrica Butusina
Feb 8, 2025